GrowthHow to overcome uncertainty

How to overcome uncertainty

Growth is a nonlinear process filled with ups, downs, and setbacks. Within that are periods of uncertainty. How do we overcome uncertainty even when we’re confused and scared? The key is to be resilient and trust that you will overcome life’s challenges.

By practicing the following five mindsets, you’ll feel empowered to get through even the most difficult times.

Establish boundaries and decide what you want

Boundaries provide a set of parameters that define your actions no matter what you’re going through. Think of them as foundations based in your values. In times of uncertainty, they can be as simple as sticking to your morning routine, consistently staying in touch with friends, and making the time in your schedule to be creative.

Who do you want to be and what do you want to be doing? You have the power to decide those answers. Make clear boundaries for yourself that will lead you where you want to be. Don’t let anyone else decide your boundaries for you. They’ll serve to ultimately guide you as you navigate life.

Accept what you can’t control

Even in “certain” times, there are many things outside of our control. Instead of fighting what is beyond our capabilities, use roadblocks as an opportunity to focus on what you can control. Do only what you realistically can, and let the rest fall into place. You’ll only stress yourself out if you dwell on the impossible. Instead, channel your energy on what is possible and you’ll find yourself imagining creative solutions.

When things become scary and confusing, it’s a good time to reach out to your community for help or someone to talk to. Sometimes they can help us do what we aren’t able to do on our own.

You can also use any extra time you have to learn new skills and educate yourself. Your knowledge is a powerful tool that you can control and leverage for opportunities.

Get out of your head

As someone who has dealt with anxiety and racing thoughts, I know how easy it is to overthink. I’ve spent hours thinking about the same situation. Then I learned how to recognize that my anxieties are only a small part of my life. I accepted their existence while reducing how much time I spent thinking about them.

Another way to get out of your head is to express gratitude every day. This shifts your thoughts from what isn’t working, to what is. It helps us remember everything that has gotten us through our life so far. Every morning I write down 2-3 things that I’m grateful for. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. When I start to overthink or get down, I remember what’s on that list and it brings me back into the moment.

Take care of yourself

Navigating hard situations means you’re probably stressed out, and that can take a toll on your health. Take the time to discover the little things that make you feel better. For some it’s listening to their favorite music, practicing a creative skill, or taking a walk to get some fresh air. For others it’s having a strong cup of coffee, or taking a hot shower.

A friend told me she has a gourmet cheeseburger delivered to her every Sunday night. What are some things you can plan for that you can get excited for? Whatever it is, make time for it. Especially when you start feeling stressed out. Your mind and your body will thank you.

Above all, stay positive

No matter what is going on in your life, having a positive mindset can only help. This is less about being unrealistic, and more about shifting your thoughts to enjoy the process. Life is a journey, and it’s never going to be a straight line. There will always be peaks, valleys, and setbacks.

By sticking to your boundaries, realizing your values, and staying positive, you will enjoy the journey more. In the end, the process is all we have. The moment is the only tangible experience we can hold onto. The rest are memories and fantasies about the future.

You’ve got this

If you’re reading this, you’re someone who cares about your journey. You’re a self-aware individual who wants to grow. You more than likely have already adapted many of the mindsets above. This list serves as a reminder for many ways we can stay resilient during setbacks in life. If you adopt a few, or none at all, remember that you’re going to be ok. You have survived before and you will again.

If you need a listening ear or want any additional tips please reach out to me (Alexia) at

Alexia is a creative director and photographer based in NYC. She writes about growth, creative inspiration, and how to do what you love.

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